The moment we've all been waiting for – the next blog! Sorry, for the delay. The previous website which had my blogs has had ongoing technical difficulties. So rather than wait anymore, I decided to start another website dedicated to just the blog. If you are looking for a book coach or editor, or if your ministry wants to turn sermons into books check out my other two websites: and But if you are just looking for a blog with practical tips that will help you complete your writing project, well this is the place for you! Authorized Ideas is back, and now you can like, comment, and ask questions specifically for each blog! And as before, there will be no extra ads or pressure to give me your email address. Just free, practical knowledge.
After I decided to create another website, I simply wanted to get my previous blogs onto it quickly, and let you know that I was starting to blog again. So in this one, I don't have anything life-changing to tell you. But I will be vulnerable and say this: I just experienced what some of you might be going through – an interruption that stopped me from moving on and continuing to write. I haven't been writing because something stopped my initial plan, I was working on fixing the interruption instead of continuing to write, and then I got busy with life and stopped working on it all together. That is not to say I wasn't productive during the past few months, but it does mean that I must start fresh again to regain the momentum I used to have as a writer.
I said all of that to say, when an interruption stops you from continuing to write, and you have come back to the point where you realize you should start writing again – just start! I know that it is hard to set time aside to write after you have lost that time to other activities, but if you really want to be a writer or author, you must take the time to just start! Trust me, it is worth it. If you have a desire to write, the satisfaction of getting back to writing is worth the initial effort it takes to get back at it. That is because there is nothing more satisfying than doing the things God created us to do. So, together, let's do this.
Joel Collison is the founder of Now Written Christian Books and an editor and coach for aspiring authors through Authorize.